Unity Firebase CRUD By Brinis : unity firebase realtime database - unity + firebase database realtime

The Idea came at the third time doing an app for Hotles at Unity3D ,

I said I wish that all the repeating tasks will be done automatically !
And now after Months of work  , my little baby is a strong algorithm that made me win 80% of my energy and time.

For Project managers this tool will make your team win 80% per day per developer for only one time pay cash .

The left task for apps developers is to create a prefab , and focus then on animations.


This Short video is just to show you a snapshot from what can the package do :

Here the documentation :

we use class Named "Article" as an example 
if(the prefab to list contains a Monobehaviour name ArticleController )
if  Article ArticleController.info defined
so it will be filled by the info of that instance from database.
so you can do other things with it , lke chanching color ....

///you can use for more detailed projects these functions
//these functions will be called automaticly in the original prefab instance to make some decisions or last moves 

// to make decision in the original prefab to show each other instance or not
//so  you have full freedom to decide wich informations to show 
public bool ArticleController.ShouldShow(Article a);
//change somthing in the Dictionary just before  instantiating
public Dictionary<string,T> LastMoves(LastMoves allinfos) ;
sync directly from the list of type "Article" to the prefab and multiply the prefab by the number of articles then setting the texts
public static void SyncTableFromDatabase<T>(Transform prefab)
//show a listcustome dictionary , this function is called in public static void SyncTableFromDatabase<T>(Transform prefab)
public static IEnumerator ShowAll<T>(Transform prefab, Dictionary<string, T> allInfos)
 public static Dictionary<string,T> GetWholeTable<T>()
 // get information by id from database ;
 public static T Load<T>(string id)
 public static void SetTextAutomaticly<T>(Transform prefabPivotInstance, T t)

Any questions or you want me to add some functions for you !
I am at your service.

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